Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Institute by Stephen King

The Institute by Stephen King
In The Institute by Stephen King, we meet Luke Ellis, a 12 year old genius already planning to begin college. Luke is special in another way as well - referred to as a TK by the Institute, Luke also has telekinetic abilities that, although minimal, puts him on the Institute's radar. One morning, Luke wakes up in a bedroom that is nearly identical to his at home. As he explores his new environment, he meets other children of varying ages who are also TKs or TPs (children with telepathic abilities). The Institute conducts awful experiments on the children, though the children don't know why - yet. Luke's life changes drastically and thus his journey of surviving the Institute begins. 

The Institute was a great read - I enjoyed it so much! The story contained a plethora of themes ranging from coming of age (a favorite of King's), institutionalism, government conspiracies, to the strength children find to endure and survive. All of these topics were explored beautifully.

By far, the children are the best part of this story. Forced into such a traumatic and violent situation, we follow these kids' character development from innocent rascals to war worn veterans, hollowed out and left to wither away in the depths of the Institute. It's painful but meaningful and sheds light on the children that our society fails when they are placed in an institution where the powers that be view them as a herd and not as individuals. 

The kids' relationships with one another in this story is one of the best parts of the book. They love and protect each other despite the horrors they are all facing, time and time again. The children are the heart of this story and I don't think I would have enjoyed it much at all if it weren't for them. 

I've been reading books with rushed endings lately and I just can't get away from them! The Institute would've been 5 stars instead of 4 if the ending wasn't so abrupt. The whole book is detailed and well paced, so the ending being so quick was disappointing. Otherwise, I was satisfied with the conclusion that takes place in the final pages. 

Overall, I love Stephen King and The Institute is another book to add to my list of favorites by him. I highly recommend it if you enjoy fantasy and horror!

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