Monday, September 19, 2022

The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang


The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang
The Dragon Republic is R.F. Kuang's powerful sequel to The Poppy War! This was one of the best sequels I have ever read! I didn't love it like I loved the first book, but this one came pretty close!

This is a series that is incredibly difficult not to spoil because the beginning and end of each book is like night and day. So much is packed into these pages - it's a nonstop rollercoaster ride, from the very first chapter! 

What I loved the most about The Dragon Republic is the same thing I adored about The Poppy War. Kuang's world building skills are mind-blowing! We learn even more about the mythology in Nikan and, politically speaking, it packs a punch! We meet some new characters, which is great, and we lose some familiar ones - not so great - but the story benefitted from both of these things!

I rated this 4 stars instead of 5 because I felt that Rin's character development was a little slow and Nezha's was a little difficult to justify. Despite those couple of things, this sequel was amazing and I'm so sad (but excited) to be approaching the finale of Rin's story!

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