Monday, September 19, 2022

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

 *Trigger Warnings - self harm, themes of death, murder, child death, child abuse, child cruelty

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

Sharp Objects seems to be a very controversial novel - I've seen people adore it just as much as I've seen others swear that this is the worst book they've ever read. I actually really enjoyed this book even though generally, it is definitely an uncomfortable reading experience. 

In Sharp Objects, the narrative follows Camille, a journalist in her thirties who gets sent home to her small town to pursue the story of a string of child murders. Very early on, we become aware of some of the trauma that she carries within her as well as the tumultuous relationship she has with her mother. Once Camille arrives home, her inner world shatters as she's confronted by all of her demons, the ghosts of the past, and her neurotic mom. 

I enjoyed this book mainly because of how interesting it was. It was unique in all of its unpleasantness. In my personal opinion, the plot of the story is not the real narrative here. This is more of a comment on mental illness, genetic trauma, and toxic relationships that you can't escape from.

Camille is an extremely unreliable narrator and I loved that! Very often, mental health can warp our experiences and sense of perspective when it comes to our daily lives. This is extremely prevalent when it comes to Camille's point of view. As a reader, we can't clearly interpret everything that she observes and experiences because she may not be seeing the true reality, which also adds to the mystery of whodunnit. 

I really enjoyed Sharp Objects! I thought the depiction of mental illness, though dramatized, was decently accurate. A lot of femme-lit as of late has brought into question the portrayal of the "hysterical" woman. I definitely stand behind the efforts to normalize mental illness in general, but it does seem to be misused as way to invalidate the emotions of women a little too frequently. For that reason, I really enjoyed this book and would highly recommend for anyone who enjoys psychological thrillers!

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